The recent data indicate that the neutrino mixing angle θ 23 deviates from the maximal-mixing value of 45°, showing two nearly degenerate solutions, one in the lower octant (LO) (θ 23 < 45°) and one in the higher octant (HO) (θ 23 > 45°). We investigate, using numerical simulations, the prospects for determining the octant of θ 23 in the future long baseline oscillation experiments. We present our results as contour plots on the (θ 23 − 45°, δ)-plane, where δ is the CP phase, showing the true values of θ 23 for which the octant can be experimentally determined at 3σ, 2σ and 1σ confidence level. In particular, we study the impact of the possible nonunitarity of neutrino mixing on the experimental determination of θ 23 in those experiments.