Satellite transmissions have an important role in telephone communications, television broadcasting, computer communications, maritime navigation, and military command and control. Moreover, in many situations they may be the only possible communication set-up. Trends in telecommunications indicate that four major growth market/service areas are messaging and navigation services (wireless and satellite), mobility services (wireless and satellite), video delivery services (cable and satellite), and interactive multimedia services (fibre/cable, satellite). When using geostationary satellites (GEO), the long propagation delay may have great impact, given the end-to-end delay user’s requirements of relevant applications; moreover, atmospheric conditions may seriously affect data transmission. Since satellite bandwidth is a relatively scarce resource compared to the terrestrial one (e.g. in optical transport networks), and the environment is harsher, resource management of the radio segment plays an important role in the system’s efficiency and economy. The radio resource\ud
management (RMM) entity is responsible for the utilization of the air interface resources, and covers power control, handover, admission control, congestion control, bandwidth allocation, and packet scheduling. RRM functions are crucial for the best possible utilization of the capacity. RRM functions can\ud
be implemented in different ways, thus having an impact on the overall system efficiency. This tutorial aims to provide an overview of satellite transmission aspects at various OSI layers, with emphasis on the MAC layer; some cross-layer solutions for bandwidth allocation are also indicated. Far from being an exhaustive survey (mainly due to the extensive nature of the subject), it offers the readers an extensive bibliography, which could be used for further research on specific aspects