Pervasive computing environments are populated with networked services, i.e., autonomous software entities, providing a number of functionalities. One of the most challenging objectives to be achieved within these environments is to assist users in realizing tasks that integrate on the fly functionalities of the networked services opportunely according to the current pervasive environment. Towards this purpose, we present COCOA, a solution for COnversation-based service COmposition in pervAsive computing environments with QoS support. COCOA provides COCOA-L, an OWL-S based language for the semantic, QoSaware specification of services and tasks, which further allows the specification of services and tasks conversations. Moreover, COCOA provides two mechanisms: COCOA-SD for the QoS-aware semantic service discovery and COCOA-CI for the QoS-aware integration of service conversations towards the realization of the user task's conversation. The distinctive feature of COCOA is the ability of integrating on the fly the conversations of networked services to realize the conversation of the user task, by further meeting the QoS requirements of user tasks. Thereby, COCOA allows the dynamic realization of user tasks according to the specifics of the pervasive computing environment in terms of available services and by enforcing valid service consumption.