Kolon anastomozu (CA) sonrası gelişen anastomoz kaçağı morbidite ve mortaliteyi artırır. Kalsiyum dobesilate (CaD) anjiyoprotektif, antioksidan, lenfatik kan akımını artırıcı ve nöroprotektif etkilere sahiptir. Bu kapiller ve hücresel sahadaki etkilerine rağmen CaD'nin, CA iyileşmesi üzerine etkileri hakkında literatürde veri yoktur. ÖZ Aim: Anastomotic leakage in colon anastomosis (CA) increases morbidity and mortality. Calcium dobesilate (CaD) has angioprotective, antioxidant, lymphatic flow enhancing-and neuroprotective effects. Despite these capillary and cellular effects, there is no data in the literature regarding the effects of CaD on CA healing. Method: Fifty Wistar-albino rats were randomly divided into five groups. All rats underwent CA after transverse colon transection. CaD was not administered to the control group (Group 1). CaD was administered to the experimental groups (Groups 2, 3, 4 and 5) intraperitoneally or by gavage at doses of 50 or 100 mg/kg/day. CaD was given as a single dose daily during postoperative five days. Bursting pressure values (BPV) and hydroxyproline values (HV) were measured. At the end of histopathological evaluation, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PNLS), mononuclear leukocytes (MNLS), neovascularization (VS) and collagen fibers (CFS) were scored. Results: CaD increased BPV and HV in experimental groups. We found a decrease in PNLS, MNLS, VS, and an increase in CFS in experimental groups. These increases seemed to be related to the administration doses of CaD. The decreases in PNLS, MNLS and VS were much more evident in Groups 4 and 5 than the other groups. There was no significant difference in terms of VS between experimental groups. Conclusion: We found that CaD not only decreased the pathological parameters of inflammation, but also increased the strength of CA mechanically and biochemically. Although VS reduction seemed to have negative outcomes on CA, we know that CaD inhibits over-expression in angiogenesis. As a result, these effects of CaD appear to be dose-dependent rather than the administration methods.