“…Even for relatively brief service encounters, these expectations and evaluations are multidimensional, as indicated by the ServQual instrument (Parasuraman, Berry, & Zeithaml, 1991), which operationalizes expectancy-disconfirmation along five dimensions: reliability (in performing the service to standard), assurance (trust in the provider's knowledge; their courtesy), tangibles (facilities, materials and personnel), empathy ("caring, individualized attention"), and responsiveness ("willingness to help"; Parasuraman et al, 1991, p. 41). In exploring the satisfaction of international students, such multidimensional assessment reveals a broad range of factors relevant to their experience in the host country (Sears et al, 2017), some of which lie beyond what an institution would traditionally consider to be the service they provide. These may include the way that students are received outside the institution by members of the host community, the local availability of familiar foods, and off-campus shopping and entertainment.…”