The aim of the present study was to determine whether a significant relationship exists between a student's college (Allied Health, Arts and Science, Education, and Graduate School) and achievement in an advanced-level course in human physiology (PGY 412G). The mean percentage of correct answers on four multiple-choice tests, collectively totaling 400 points, was used to assess each student's performance. A four (college)-by-three (academic year) analysis of variance was used for statistical comparisons among 660 students enrolled in PGY 412G from the fall semester of 1995 through the spring semester of 1998. Subsequent pairwise comparisons tests found that the College of Education students had a significantly lower mean percentage of correct answers (61%) compared with students in each of the other colleges (P < 0.001). No significant differences in percentage scores were found among students enrolled in Allied Health (78%), Arts and Science (78%), or the Graduate School (77%). Also, percentages of correct answers averaged across all students were significantly lower during the 1997-1998 academic year than those in either the 1996-1997 year (P < 0.001) or the 1995-1996 year (P < 0.05). Students' scores during these two earlier years did not differ significantly. Upward letter grade adjustments based on class distributions were made each semester, and more As and Bs and fewer Cs and Ds were given as course grades than expected from an absolute assessment scale. This grade inflation benefited low-scoring students from all colleges, particularly those students enrolled in the College of Education. To improve the understanding of human function of these low-scoring students may require special educational programs.