Scid mice lack functional lymphocytes because they carry a mutation that impairs rearrangement of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor (TCR) genes. Rearrangement of TCR ~, but not ~, and 13 genes, was routinely observed in DNA of scid thymocytes and thymocyte hybridomas. TCR 8 gene rearrangements appeared to involve DS1, D82, and JSl elements only; rearrangement of elements upstream of D~I (e.g., VS1) was not observed, and transcripts corresponding to fully assembled TCR 8 genes (VDJ8 or VDDJS) were not detected in RNA from scid thymocytes. These findings suggest that DS1, D82, and JS1 may be among the first TCR gene elements to undergo recombination and that scid T-lineage cells are developmentally arrested during or shortly after this stage of differentiation. One class of TCR 8 recombination fragments (D82-JS1) was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned, and the recombination junctions were sequenced. Most fragments showed normal coding joints. Interestingly, five of seven coding joints that lacked N insertions showed evidence of recombination between short stretches (2-3 bp) of homologous sequence. As discussed, the general absence of VS-, J~/-, and ll3-associated rearrangements, despite the occurrence of normal D82-JS1 rearrangements, raises the possibility that the scid mutation may cause premature cessation of TCR gene recombination and thereby arrest early T-cell development.[Key Words: scid mice; T-cell receptor; T-cell development; polymerase chain reaction] Received January 14, 1991; revised version accepted May 17, 1991.Mice homozygous for the autosomal recessive mutation, scid (scid mice) are severely deficient in mature lymphocytes (Bosma et al. 1983). Early B-and T-lineage-committed cells are clearly present in scid lymphopoietic tissues but are unable to differentiate into functional B and T lymphocytes. This developmental arrest is believed to reflect a defect in the system responsible for the recombination of V (variable), D (diversity), and J (joining) gene elements that code for immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor (TCR) variable regions. Evidence of this defect is seen in rearranged immunoglobulin heavy-chain (IgH) genes of transformed scid pre-B cell lines (Schuler et al. 1986;Hendrickson et al. 1988;Kim et al. 1988;Malynn et al. 1988;Okazaki et al. 1988;Blackwell et al. 1989) and rearranged TCR ~/and genes of scid thymic lymphomas (Schuler et al. 1986(Schuler et al. , 1990. Most such rearranged genes show abnormal deletions of D-and J-or V-and J-coding elements, frequently extending 1 kb or more. In addition, transfection of transformed scid lymphocytes with extrachromosomal (Lieber et al. 1988) or retroviral recombination substrates (Ferrier et al. 1990;Hendrickson et al. 1990) has revealed a defect in the recombinase activity associated with VDJ 1Present address: Albany Medical College, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Albany, New York 12208 USA. recombination: Although this activity can recognize, cleave, and join the recombination signal sequences that flank...