ABSTRACT%Ocular defects result from tumor, congenital anomaly and external injury not only lead to serious impairment of function and esthetics but also make the patient psychologically disabled. Prosthetic rehabilitation attempts to restore these disfgurements may improve esthetic, level of function, general psychologic improvement and quality of life. This clinical report details an attempt to rehabilitate a pediatric patient who has undergone orbital enucleation resulting from retinoblastoma with the aid of custom ocular prosthesis using commercially available prefabricated eye shell.How to cite this article: Janya S, Gubrellay P, Purwar A, Khanna S. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Ocular Defect resulting from Pediatric Retinoblastoma. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2014; 7(3):209-212.