vide is a cooking method significantly different
from conventional
cooking as it employs the cooking of raw ingredients in the food-grade,
thermally resistant, vacuumized plastic pouches under adequately controlled
and subsequent temperature conditions. The method is especially well-known
for its minimal effect on the nutritional profile and the good gastronomic
appeal. The applications of low temperature in sous vide cooking make
the food more organoleptically acceptable. However, there are certain
limitations associated with low-temperature cooking, such as microbial
contamination. This article encloses the knowledge on breadth and
depth of the procedure and principles, and abridge the available literature
on sous vide cooking, its effect on the constitution of the food,
and its application for the improvement in the available food range
(macronutrients and micronutrients). Furthermore, this article will
serve as a firm base for the studies on the amalgamation of food processing,
its effect on the constituents, and its application to explore new
ways for further improvement.