Satellite-derived vegetation indices (VIs) have been widely used to approximate or estimate gross primary productivity (GPP). However, it remains unclear how the VI-GPP relationship varies with indices, biomes, timescales, and the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) effect. We examined the relationship between VIs and GPP for 121 FLUXNET sites across the globe and assessed how the VI-GPP relationship varied among a variety of biomes at both monthly and annual timescales. We used three widely-used VIs: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and 2-band EVI (EVI2) as well as a new VI -NIR V and used surface reflectance both with and without BRDF correction from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) to calculate these indices. The resulting traditional (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, and NIR V ) and BRDF-corrected (NDVI BRDF , EVI BRDF , EVI2 BRDF , and NIR V, BRDF ) VIs were used to examine the VI-GPP relationship. At the monthly scale, all VIs were moderate or strong predictors of GPP, and the BRDF correction improved their performance. EVI2 BRDF and NIR V, BRDF had similar performance in capturing the variations in tower GPP as did the MODIS GPP product. The VIs explained lower variance in tower GPP at the annual scale than at the monthly scale. The BRDF-correction of surface reflectance did not improve the VI-GPP relationship at the annual scale. The VIs had similar capability in capturing the interannual variability in tower GPP as MODIS GPP. VIs were influenced by temperature and water stresses and were more sensitive to temperature stress than to water stress. VIs in combination with environmental factors could improve the prediction of GPP than VIs alone. Our findings can help us better understand how the VI-GPP relationship varies among indices, biomes, and timescales and how the BRDF effect influences the VI-GPP relationship.2 of 22 feedbacks, agricultural productivity, and human welfare. Satellite-derived vegetation indices (VIs) are indicative of photosynthetic activity and have been widely used as proxies for GPP [1][2][3][4] or to directly estimate GPP [5][6][7]. Ground-based GPP data from the eddy covariance (EC) flux towers are typically used as reference data to evaluate the performance of satellite-derived VIs in approximating or estimating GPP. Better understanding the relationships between the VIs and GPP for a wide variety of biomes at various timescales is essential for assessing ecosystem functioning, vegetation productivity, and carbon budgets at regional to global scales using satellite-derived VIs.The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is perhaps the most widely used VI in satellite monitoring of vegetation productivity [8]. NDVI captures the contrast in reflectance between the red and NIR wavelengths and was first developed to estimate vegetation greenness [9]. It has been widely adopted as a proxy for GPP. For example, a close relationship between NDVI and GPP at the daily timescale was found for a maize cropland ...