The self-diffusion coefficients of Na+ , C l-and I -in methanol-water solutions at 35 ± 0.01 °C have been measured in their dependence on the salt molarity in the range 1 • 10-4-1 • 10-2 mol d m -3. The ionic self-diffusion coefficients in infinitely diluted solutions have been computed. The influence of the solvent composition on the solvation of the ions is discussed. A preferential hydration of N a+ , Cl -and I " ions in water-methanol mixtures has been found.In spite of the great interest in the porperties of water-organic solvent electrolyte solutions, data on the ionic mobilities in such systems are scarce. Usually the ionic m obility is calculated from the equivalent conductance and the transference num ber. Ionic transference numbers have been reported for water and 17 organic solvents [1], but only for a few water-organic solvents mixtures.Sim ilar information can be obtained from the ionic self-diffusion coefficients, which have been reported for a few water-organic solvent systemsThe aim of the present work was to determine the self-diffusion coefficients of sodium, chloride and iodide ions in water-methanol mixtures and to study the ion-solvent interactions.
ExperimentalMethanol (spectroscopy grade, Merck), N al (suprapur, Merck), N aC l (suprapur, Merck) and double distilled, degassed water were used to prepare the solutions. 22N a, and N a 36 from the USSR, and 24Na, N a 125 and ,31I from Poland were used as radioactive tracers. The radioactivities of 24Na, 36C1 and l25I were measured in tolueneethanol solutions o f 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO) with a liquid scintillation counter, whereas the radioacitivites of 22Na and 131I were determined in * Present address and reprint requests to Max-PlanckInstitut für Chemie, Saarstraße 23, D-6500 Mainz.