DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.1787-13.2014
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Prefrontal Cortical Circuit for Depression- and Anxiety-Related Behaviors Mediated by Cholecystokinin: Role of ΔFosB

Abstract: Decreased medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) neuronal activity is associated with social defeat-induced depression-and anxiety-like behaviors in mice. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the decreased mPFC activity and its prodepressant role remain unknown. We show here that induction of the transcription factor ⌬FosB in mPFC, specifically in the prelimbic (PrL) area, mediates susceptibility to stress. ⌬FosB induction in PrL occurred selectively in susceptible mice after chronic social defeat stress, and… Show more

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Cited by 277 publications
(248 citation statements)
References 70 publications
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“…Our RNA-seq study also reveals that DMI down-regulates Cck and vasointestinal peptide (Vip) in Rgs9KO mice, similar to what has been reported with chronic imipramine treatment (43). Interestingly, Cck in medial prefrontal-NAc projections mediates depressive symptoms, and blockade of the Cck B receptor promotes resilience (48). Notably, the pattern of Cck and Vip regulation is similar between naive Rgs9KO and wild-type mice, suggesting that adaptive changes in the NAc of Rgs9KO mice establish a pattern/signature that facilitates the antiallodynic effect of DMI.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
“…Our RNA-seq study also reveals that DMI down-regulates Cck and vasointestinal peptide (Vip) in Rgs9KO mice, similar to what has been reported with chronic imipramine treatment (43). Interestingly, Cck in medial prefrontal-NAc projections mediates depressive symptoms, and blockade of the Cck B receptor promotes resilience (48). Notably, the pattern of Cck and Vip regulation is similar between naive Rgs9KO and wild-type mice, suggesting that adaptive changes in the NAc of Rgs9KO mice establish a pattern/signature that facilitates the antiallodynic effect of DMI.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
“…Some of its subregions have opposing roles in anxiety-like behaviour: the anterodorsal nuclei produce anxiogenic responses, while the ventral nuclei mediate anxiolysis 23,37 . The dorsal segment shows increased activation 24 h following 10-day CSDS 29 . We found that the anterodorsal BNST is repeatedly activated in stress-exposed mice, and that in the stressed mice the BNST ∆FOSB expression correlation with Regions that correlate significantly with the title region are indicated by an asterisk (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01), and correlations remaining significant after correction for false discovery rate (<5%) are marked with bold text.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…Other regions and pathways have also been examined in stress and anxiety disorders, including structures with connections to the amygdala such as the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), locus coeruleus (LC), and hippocampus (Felix-Ortiz et al, 2016;Luthi and Luscher, 2014;McCall et al, 2015;Seo et al, 2016;Vialou et al, 2014), as well as other circuitry such as the septohypothalamic circuit (Anthony et al, 2015). The LC is of particular interest because of its prominent role in the stress response.…”
Section: Stress and Anxietymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Interestingly, studies have been able to take advantage of the specificity of optogenetics to target distinct efferent and afferent projections between the two regions. For example, optical stimulation of projections from the mPFC to the BLA inhibited cholecystokinin-induced anxiety (Vialou et al, 2014), while optical stimulation of inputs from the BLA to the mPFC was also anxiogenic (FelixOrtiz et al, 2016). This is important because the ability to isolate projections and induce precise activation (or inhibition) can help establish causality in connecting the circuit of activity within these regions of interest with the related stress and anxiety-like behavior.…”
Section: Stress and Anxietymentioning
confidence: 99%
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