Purpose. To determine perinatal aspects of medical care for COVID-19. Materials and methods. 200 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 hospitalized at the Kiev City Center for Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine were comprehensively examined: group 1 - 50 pregnant women with severe Covid-19 and group 2 - 150 pregnant women with moderate severity of the disease. Research results. Severe Covid-19 disease is observed in 12.2% of pregnant women, critical condition - in 7.5% of patients. Severe disease directly or indirectly determined a significantly higher incidence of pregnancy complications. First of all, this is placental insufficiency in the vast majority of patients (72.0%), which was manifested by fetal growth retardation and distress (in 32.0% and 48.0%). Half of the women experience oligohydramnios (50.0%), 38.0% have a threat of premature birth, and a third (30.0%) have premature birth. 44.0% of children are born in a state of asphyxia, 36.0% of children have manifestations of respiratory failure, and 16.0% have bilateral pneumonia. High incidence of neurological disorders (56.0%), gastrointestinal (50.0%), hypoglycemic (34.0%) and hemorrhagic (32.0%) syndromes. Testing of newborns for COVID-19 was positive in 6.0% of cases. 22.0% of children required intensive care unit care. Perinatal mortality was 0.4%. Conclusions. The identified high frequency of perinatal disorders in women with COVID-19 indicates the need for careful care for this category of pregnant women and their newborns, constant monitoring of vital functions, follow-up observation, and the development of clear algorithms for the actions of medical personnel depending on the patients’ condition.