Rosenfeld CR, DeSpain K, Liu X-t. Defining the differential sensitivity to norepinephrine and angiotensin II in the ovine uterine vasculature. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302: R59-R67, 2012. First published October 26, 2011 doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00424.2011The intact ovine uterine vascular bed (UVB) is sensitive to âŁ-agonists and refractory to angiotensin II (ANG II) during pregnancy; the converse occurs in the systemic circulation. The mechanism(s) responsible for these differences in uterine sensitivity are unclear and may reflect predominance of nonconstricting AT2 receptors (AT2R) in uterine vascular smooth muscle (UVSM). The contribution of the placental vasculature also is unclear. Third generation and precaruncular/placental arteries from nonpregnant (n Ï 16) and term pregnant (n Ï 23) sheep were used to study contraction responses to KCl, norepinephrine (NE), and ANG II (with/without ATR specific inhibitors) and determine UVSM ATR subtype expression and contractile protein content. KCl and NE increased third generation and precaruncular/ placental UVSM contractions in a dose-and pregnancy-dependent manner (P Ő
0.001). ANG II only elicited modest contractions in third generation pregnant UVSM (P Ï 0.04) and none in precaruncular/placental UVSM. Moreover, compared with KCl and NE, ANG II contractions were diminished Ő 5-fold. Whereas KCl and ANG II contracted third generationÏŸÏŸprecaruncular/placental UVSM, NEinduced contractions were similar throughout the UVB. However, each agonist increased third generation contractions Ő 2-fold at term, paralleling increased actin/myosin and cellular protein content (P Ő
0.01). UVSM AT 1R and AT2R expression was similar throughout the UVB and unchanged during pregnancy (P ÏŸ 0.1). AT 1R inhibition blocked ANG II-mediated contractions; AT 2R blockade, however, did not enhance contractions. AT 2R predominate throughout the UVB of nonpregnant and pregnant sheep, contributing to an inherent refractoriness to ANG II. In contrast, NE elicits enhanced contractility throughout the ovine UVB that exceeds ANG II and increases further at term pregnancy. placental artery; systemic artery; actin/myosin; angiotensin II receptors; âŁ-agonists OVINE PREGNANCY IS ASSOCIATED with numerous cardiovascular changes (43, 48), including a ÏŸ30-fold rise in uterine blood flow (UBF) and ÏŸ40% increase in cardiac output. Additionally, there is development of refractoriness to the pressor effects of infused norepinephrine (NE) and angiotensin II (ANG II) in women and sheep (44,49,53). Although the ovine uterine vascular bed (UVB) also develops refractoriness to these agonists during pregnancy (32, 49), Naden and Rosenfeld (36) reported that the intact pregnant ovine UVB was more refractory to the vasoconstricting effects of ANG II than the systemic vasculature. Thus, blood pressure increased in the absence of significant decreases in uteroplacental blood flow (UPBF). In contrast, the UVB was quite sensitive to âŁ-agonists, which decreased ovine UPBF at nonpressor doses, demonstrating differenc...