Objective-The purpose of this research was to detect cervical ripening with a new quantitative ultrasound technique.Methods-Cervices of 13 nonpregnant and 65 timed pregnant (days 15, 17, 19, 20, and 21 of pregnancy) Sprague Dawley rats were scanned ex vivo with a 70-MHz ultrasound transducer. Ultrasound scatterer property estimates (scatterer diameter [SD], acoustic concentration [AC], and scatterer strength factor [SSF]) from the cervices were quantified and then compared to hydroxyproline and water content. Insertion loss (attenuation) was measured in 3 rats in each of the 6 groups. Discriminant analysis was used to predict gestational age group (cervical ripening) from the ultrasound variables SD, SSF, and AC.Results-Differences were observed between the groups (SD, AC, and SSF; P < .0001). Quantitative ultrasound measures changed as the cervix ripened: (1) SD increased from days 15 to 21; (2) AC decreased from days 15 to 21; and (3) SSF was the greatest in the nonpregnant group and the least in the day 21 group. Cervix hydroxyproline content increased as pregnancy progressed (P < .003) and correlated with group, SD, AC, and SSF (P < .001). Discriminant analysis of ultrasound variables predicted 56.4% of gestational group assignment (P < .001) and increased to 77% within 2 days of the predicted analysis. Cervix insertion loss was greatest for the nonpregnant group and least for the day 21 group.Conclusions-Quantitative ultrasound predicted cervical ripening in the rat cervix, but before use in humans, quantitative ultrasound will need to predict gestational age in the later days of gestation with more precision.Keywords cervical attenuation; cervical ripening; collagen; preterm birth; quantitative ultrasound; rat cervixThe underlying mechanisms preceding labor are not yet fully understood. Preterm birth is the second leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. 1 Among the survivors, 20% to 25% have a major disability, 2 and it is estimated that just the initial neonatal care costs $6 billion annually. 3 The preterm birth rate was 12.5% in 2004, and the 16% increase in the incidence of preterm birth in the United States between 1990 and 2004 is an indication of the seriousness of this problem. , it is necessary to assume a geometric model (called a form factor) for the scatterers. These parameters were estimated by modeling the tissues as scatterers with a Gaussian form factor. The Gaussian form factor assumes that the scatterers do not have sharp discontinuities in acoustic impedance with the surrounding tissues (like glass beads in agar) but have more of a gradual change in impedance with surrounding tissues. The Gaussian form factor model was theorized to be appropriate for cervix tissue because this form factor has been shown to be a good predictor of scattering in many soft tissues. 17-21 The Gaussian form factor was chosen from several other available form factors because it gave the smallest χ 2 value relative to the scattered spectra. Furthermore, the properties of the spherical Gau...