Gestational weight gain (GWG) has in numerous studies been associated with offspring birth weight (BW) and childhood weight. However, these associations might be explained by genetic confounding as offspring inherit their mother's genetic potential to gain weight. Furthermore, little is known about whether particular periods of pregnancy could influence offspring body weight differently. We therefore aimed to explore total and trimester-specific effects of GWG in monozygotic (MZ) twin mother-pairs on their offspring's BW, weight at 1 year and body mass index (BMI) at 5 and 10 years. MZ twin mothers born 1962-1975 were identified in national Swedish registers, and data on exposure and outcome variables was collected from medical records. We analyzed associations within and between twin pairs. We had complete data on the mothers' GWG and offspring BW for 82 pairs. The results indicated that total, and possibly also second and third trimester GWG were associated with offspring BW within the twin pairs in the fully adjusted model ( = 0.08 z-score units, 95% CI: 0.001, 0.17;  = 1.32 z-score units, 95% CI: -0.29, 2.95; and  = 1.02 z-score units, 95% CI: -0.50, 2.54, respectively). Our findings, although statistically weak, suggested no associations between GWG and offspring weight or BMI during infancy or childhood. Our study suggests that total, and possibly also second and third trimester, GWG are associated with offspring BW when taking shared genetic and environmental factors within twin pairs into account. Larger family-based studies with long follow-up are needed to confirm our findings.Keywords: gestational weight gain, gestational trimester, birth weight, childhood body weight, genetics, monozygotic twins GWG has been extensively studied over the past two decades and an excessive GWG has been associated with adverse pregnancy-related and childhood outcomes. These include gestational diabetes and increased risk of high BW and overweight and obesity in the offspring (Diesel et al., 2015;Guo et al., 2015;Hedderson, et al., 2010;Ludwig & Currie, 2010;Oken et al., 2007;Wrotniak et al., 2008). There is also evidence that GWG might have different effects on offspring BW and childhood weight/BMI, depending on the timing of the weight gain. The majority of the studies that have investigated trimester-specific effects of GWG on BW or adiposity at birth found effects for all trimesters (Abrams