Recently the second phase of Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (BICEP2) claimed a detection of the tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) of primordial fluctuation at 5σ confidence level. If it is true, this large and measurable amplitude (r ≃ 0.2) of B-mode polarization indicates that it is possible to measure the shape of CMB B-mode polarization with future experiments. We forecast the precision of r and the tensor spectral index nt measurements, with nt as a free parameter, from a Planck-like experiment, and from Spider and POLARBEAR given the current understanding of their experimental noise and foreground contamination. We quantitatively determine the signalto-noise of the measurement in r-nt parameter space for the three experiments. The forecasted signal-to-noise ratio of the B-mode polarization somewhat depends on nt, but strongly depends on the true value of r. . This detection, if confirmed by ongoing and forthcoming experiments, implies a large amplitude of primordial tensor fluctuations and therefore has profound theoretical implications. For instance, given the current detected amplitude r = 0.2, the inflationary potential and the associated derivatives can be completely reconstructed around a few number of e-folds [3]. However, on the other hand, several other groups claimed recently that the BICEP2 results may come from the spurious signal of the polarized dust [2].Assuming the BICEP2 result is correct and therefore the primordial tensor fluctuation is measurable, it is possible to measure not only the amplitude but also the shape of the primordial tensor power spectrum with future experiment. The BICEP2 measured B-mode power spectrum has power excess at small scales, indicating a blue tilt (n t ) of the spectrum [26]. The statistical significance of such a blue tensor spectrum is found to be in between 1σ and 2σ [7,8].The hint of blue n t becomes stronger when the BICEP2 data is combined with Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP ) and Planck data [8][9][10]. In fact, before the tensor mode is detected, the theoretical prediction of temperature power spectrum is around 5%-10% higher than the measurement on ℓ < 50 [11]. The detected tensor-to-scalar ratio r = 0.2 will further enhance the low-ℓ temperature power spectrum (C