In this research effort launcher aerodynamic design activities at phase-A level are described. The goal is to address the preliminary aerodynamic data-base of a next generation launch vehicle as input for performances evaluations as well as launcher control and sizing. To this end, different design approaches are addressed as engineering methods and computational fluid dynamics with both Euler and Navier-Stokes approximations.
Nomenclaturepitching moment (=Cmy) C n = yawing moment (=Cmz) D = aerodynamic drag, diameter E = lift-to-drag ratio (aerodynamic efficiency) H, h = altitude, height L = length, aerodynamic lift, vehicle length L/D = aerodynamic efficiency (E ff ) M = Mach number, pitching moment, mass N = normal force P = pressure Re = Reynolds number S = surface T = temperature u, v, w = velocity components V = velocity, volume X,Y,Z = coordinates Greek Symbols = angle of attack 1 Full Professor, Chair of Aerodynamics, Industrial and Information Engineering Department, via Roma 29, AIAA senior member. 2 Ph. D. Researcher, Aerothermodynamics Section, Analysis and extrapolation to flight Lab., Head. AIAA Member. Downloaded by NANYANG TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY on October 1, 2015 | |