The 2020-21 have been years of hostile environments; two painful years, exacerbated by COVID-19, climate emergencies, BREXIT, flood and wildfire devastation, political divisiveness, personal loss and heartache. The collective aftermath is still being felt and it will be long-lasting. Somehow, I managed to squeeze this book through the cracks of lockdown, trapped at home, and fortunate to not only have a home but to have one with 'a room of my own' . It was my best friend Felia, to whom I dedicate this monograph, who insisted: 'if not now, then when?' I am indebted to her dogged insistence, over forty years of friendship, that I 'do something' with these ideas! Thanks, Fe x.I would be lost without Luay and Robs. They've had to endure the years of the PhD and now this, more hours at my computer, absent-mindedness in all matters domestic, last-minute and random decisions about what to eat or what to do on a weekend. Between the eye-rolls and theatrical yawns as they listen to me droning on about academic writing and how it could all be so different, they have never stopped repeating 'I am so proud of you' and 'Brava mamma' . I love them with all my being.This monograph germinated and grew from the generous conversations, kind mentoring and vigilant supervision of Professor Patricia Thomson and Professor Andrew Fisher. I am beyond grateful to them, along with my examiners, Professor Gina Wisker and Dr Ian James Kidd, for believing there was something in the way I think about academic writing, both educationally and philosophically, that was worth teasing out. Pat and Andy, you'll recognize most of what we did for the thesis in here (including the stuff you probably weren't so keen on!) but there are also omissions and additions. I could have done more and better, but for now, and given the circumstances, it's the best I could do.Also key to my thinking have been the three people involved in either reviewing the initial proposal or writing the foreword and afterword to this first book. Professor Chrissie Boughey, Dr Fiona English and Professor Suresh Canagarajah, all of whom are luminaries in their fields and have significantly shaped the ways in which I think about academic writing. They are creative, innovative and courageous intellectuals who have stood up for marginalized students and academics throughout their academic trajectories. Thank you for How Did We Get Here? A Selected History