High technologies have helped so much in improving an optimizing the engine design and performance of the car. Improved isolation has helped to minimize the engine noise making other automotive part noises become more detectable. One of the noise sources are the wipers. When a wiper operates on a windshield, vibratory phenomena may appear due to flutter instabilities and may generate squeal noise. In order to obtain good wiping behaviour and characteristics, the rubber blade should be in complete contact with the glass and under uniform contact pressure while not generating vibration as it moves over the glass. A good wiping performance can be achieved by a proper design of the wiper structure as well as a good understanding of the mechanical behaviour of the rubber blade. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the dynamic behaviour and characteristics of rubber wiper blade performance in order to reduce the automotive windscreen wiper noise and vibration effects. In order to achieve the objective of this research, two types of wiper is used. One is hybrid type and second is conventional type. Then the behavior of wiper can be investigated. The force resistive sensor is used to measure the force distribution exerted on the windshield for the characteristics wiper noise for specific points. The obtain vibration data is processed by single-board microcontrollers. Behaviour movements of blade produce different vibration that can be investigated the maximum noise occurs on wiper blade operation using Uni-axial accelerometer A MMA7660. As a result, confirmation behaviour is shown the contact force distribution between rubber blade and glass is produce non-uniformly contact force and identical for hybrid type wiper and uniform contact force and not identical for conventional type wiper. In addition, characteristic of wiper rubber blade due to environment condition such as humidity, temperature and wiper stiffness are major factor in this research. As a conclusion, the results for behaviour of wiper blade depends on structural effect of the wiper blade related to the contact force distribution between the rubber blade and the glass. Secondly the characteristics of wiper rubber blade depends environment condition such as humidity and the temperature. The methodology is achievable to discovery the knowledge of dynamic behaviour and characteristics of wiper rubber blade in future.