“…Accordingly, he proposed the name Puget Group (White, 1888, p. 446-447). Since then, the name Puget has been used consistently to refer to the coal-bearing brackish-and fresh-water arkosic sandstone and shale of Eocene and locally younger age in the Puget Sound lowland (Willis, 1898a;Landes, 1902;Smith, 1902;Evan?,, 1912;Weaver, 1916Weaver, , 1937Warren and others, 1945;Crandell and Gard, 1959;Waldron, 1962;Vine, 1962a). Most writers have followed White's usage of the name Puget Group, but some (Willis, 1898a;Evans, 1912) have referred to these rocks as the Puget Formation and Puget Series.…”