Plate 1. Sample locality map of quartz vein samples from the Oil Ion, Butte, and Dubois 1° x 2° quadrangles, pocket This report presents the results of analyses of rock samples that were collected in a geochemical survey of the Oil Ion 1° x 2° quadrangle, Montana-Idaho. Geochemical samples were collected as one of several multidisciplinary studies associated with the Conterminous United States Mineral Appraisal Program (CUSMAP). INTRODUCTION Rock samples were collected as part of a reconnaissance geochemical survey that was conducted in the Oil Ion, Montana-Idaho, 1° x 2° quadrangle from 1978 through 1981. Additional rock samples were collected from the adjacent Butte and Dubois 1° x 2° quadrangles. The Oil Ion quadrangle comprises about 11,000 mi 2 (17,700 km 2) in Montana and Idaho. Oil Ion is located from 45°00'00" to 46°00'00" latitude and 112°00 I 00" to 114°00'00" longitude. Additional samples were collected from the Butte 1° x 2° quadrangle to a northernmost latitude of 46°15 I 00". Likewise, samples were collected from the Dubois 1° x 2° quadrangle to a southernmost latitude of 44°30'00". Access to the study area is provided on the north by Interstate 90 and by Interstate 15 on the south. The Oil Ion quadrangle contains complex thrust-faulted terranes of Precambrian and Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks on a Precambrian crystalline basement. These terranes were intruded by calc-alkaline batholithic rocks in the Mesozoic. Mesozoic-Tertiary volcanic rocks are also found in the area. During the Tertiary, large grabens were formed that are presently filled with volcanic rocks and fluvial sedimentary rocks. The topographic relief in the Oil Ion quadrangle varies from about 3,900 ft (1,182 m) to approximately 11,000 ft (3,333 m). METHODS OF STUDY Sample Media Analyses of unaltered or unmineralized rock samples provide background geochemical data for individual rock units. On the other hand, analyses of altered or mineralized rocks, where present, may provide useful geochemical information about the major-and trace-element assemblages associated with a mineralizing system. Sample Collection Rock samples were collected at 2,219 sites (Plates 1-4). However, the data in this report represent only those rocks collected from quartz veins, wall rocks, porphyries, and skarns. Sampling density varied with the spatial distribution of the outcrops. Sample Preparation Rock samples were crushed using a "chimpmunk-jaw crusher" and then pulverized to less than 0.15 mm using a "vertical pulverizer" with ceramic plates. Sample Analysis Spectrographlc method The prepared rock samples were analyzed for elements using a semiquantitative, direct-current arc emission spectrographic method (Grimes and Marranzino, 1968). The elements analyzed and their lower limits of determination are listed in Table 1. Spectrographic results were obtained by visual comparison of spectra derived from the sample against spectra obtained from standards made from pure oxides and carbonates. Standard concentrations are geometrically spaced...