State-of-the-art core nodal diffusion calculation involves the use of assembly discontinuity factor (ADF) to improve computational accuracy by introducing degree of freedom describing the relationship between interfacial discontinuities in nodal calculation [1]. The form of ADF known as the Flux based ADF (FDF) generated from flux information is recommended in the conventional two-level core calculation scheme. The multi-group cross-sections were generated using SCALE 6.2 NEWT and verified with KENO-VI [2]. A lattice module has been created for the high-fidelity neutron transport code MOCEX [3] to generate the group constants and side-independent ADFs. This new capability is verified against the reference code SCALE 6.2 NEWT under both serial and parallel modes. The implementation of ADF is performed in this work and further verified by comparing core keff. The calculation results show that the newly implemented ADF module consistently improved the accuracy of the PROTEUS-NODAL (NODAL) diffusion solver, which will become an affordable candidate for the following research of High-to-Low (Hi2Lo) transport-to-diffusion informing scheme [4].