Conversion of lignocellulosic plant materials into protein by microorganisms is a process of increasing importance for the future. The organic biomass produced by photosynthesis is estimated at 163 X lo9 tons annually, and over half of this is in the form of cellulose and hemicelluloses. Management of these raw materials is difficult, however, because of the seasonal variation in plant vegetation and its territorial dispersion. For these reasons, waste materials from agriculture and forestry are attractive, such as cereal straw, bagasse, sugar-beet pulp, residual plant materials, and wastepaper.Conversion of lignocellulose into microbial protein can be realized by two different methods. The first is direct cultivation of microorganisms on pretreated cellulosic substrates, while the second is a multistep process with chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides followed by fermentation of the hydrolysate. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. The direct cultivation of microorganisms on cellulosics is simple and relatively inexpensive, but the final product, because of its undigestible fraction, has limited application in animal feeds. The production of microbial biomass using cellulose hydrolysates is more complicated and requires development of an economical method of cellulose hydrolysis. The final fermentation product is of high quality and can be used for nutrition of monogastric animals and, after special treatment, can be a source of protein for human nutrition.In the past, the majority of investigations on the direct production methods of single-cell protein were concerned with producing the fungal or bacterial biomass in submerged cultures. Recently, more attention has been given to solid-state fermentation (SSF), which is a very convenient method for utilization of bulk waste materials from both agriculture and forestry. Unfortunately, the technical and technological level of SSF in comparison with the submerged technique is inferior at present.The most important difficulties are the control and the regulation of culture conditions and, in particular, the homogenity of the medium and the regulation of pH, tempera- ture, and moisture. One way to overcome these difficulties is to use specially selected thermophilic micro-organisms .The ability to carry out the fermentation process at elevated temperatures has many advantages, such as a reduction in the contamination hazards and cooling costs, and a decrease in the culture duration as the result of accelerated metabolism of thermophilic microorganisms. This communication is concerned with the utility of thermophilic fungi for conversion of cellulosic substances to protein in solidstate fermentation.Sugar-beet pulp was chosen as a cellulosic substrate as its physicochemical structure was considered suitable for the SSF process. The widespread production of sugar beets in some countries and the current high level of stock in the sugar industry suggest the possibility of real industrial applications.