Studi es ar e described of t he spectral in ten sity of solar radiation and its tran smi ssio n t hrough t he atmosp here above a new 11 ,140-foot-alt i t ude station on Ma una Loa, H a waii, durin g l\Iay and June 1957 . The spectral m ea surem ent s covered t he r egion fr om 300 millimicro ns to 2 .5 microns for differen t air m asses fro m about 3.0 to 1.0. The a mounts of ozon e an d of watel' vap or whi ch wE' re prese nt in t he upp er at mosp here \Yere calculated [rom spcctn, 1 data ob tained o n se veral different days.