It is well-known that stars have the potential
to be excellent dark matter detectors.
Infalling dark matter that scatters within stars
could lead to a range of observational
signatures, including stellar heating, black hole formation,
and modified heat transport.
To make robust predictions for such
phenomena, it is necessary to calculate the
scattering rate for dark matter inside the star.
As we show in this paper, for small enough momentum
transfers, this requires taking into account
collective effects within the dense stellar medium.
These effects have been neglected in many previous treatments;
we demonstrate how to incorporate them systematically, and show
that they can parametrically enhance or suppress
dark matter scattering rates depending on how dark matter
couples to the Standard Model.
We show that, as a result, collective effects can significantly
modify the potential discovery or exclusion reach
for observations of compact objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.
While the effects are more pronounced for dark matter coupling
through a light mediator,
we show that even for dark matter coupling via a heavy mediator,
scattering rates can differ by orders of magnitude from
their naive values for dark matter masses ≲ 100 MeV.
We also illustrate how collective effects can be important
for dark matter scattering in more dilute media,
such as the Solar core.
Our results demonstrate the need to systematically incorporate
collective effects in a wide range of astroparticle
contexts; to facilitate this, we provide expressions
for in-medium self-energies for a variety of
different media, which are applicable to many other
processes of interest (such as particle production).