with the advent of the new" high Tc superconductors as well as the increasing use of cryo-cooled conventional electronics , liquid nitrogen will be one of the preferred 2 cryogens used to cool these materials. Consequently , a more thorough understanding of the heat transfer characteristics of liquid nitrogen is required.In how the boiling system variables evolve and fluctuate over time , it is hoped that physical insight and predictive information can be gained. One goal is to discover some indicator or signature in the data that anticipates the transition from nucleate boiling to film/boiling. Some of the important variables that make up the boiling system are the temperature of the heater and the heat flux through the heater surface into the liquid nitrogen. Results , gained by plotting the system's trajectory in the heat flux-temperature plane , is that on average the system follows a counterclockwise trajectory. A physical model is constructed that explains this behavior. Also , as the applied heater power approaches levels at which the transition to film is known to occur , the Arakelyan for their skills in machining and constructing the mechanical devices.