Objective To offer accurate prenatal diagnosis of lysosomal storage disorders in early pregnancy.Method Prenatal enzymatic diagnoses of Gaucher, Fabry, Pompe, Niemann Pick A/B, Tay Sach, Sandoff, GM1, mucoplysaccharidoses, Wolman, Krabbe, Metachromatic leukodystrophy and Batten diseases were made in uncultured chorionic villi samples by fluorometric/spectrophotometric methods.Results Of 331 prenatal enzymatic diagnosis, 207 fetuses (67%) were normal and 124 (37%) were affected. The interpretation of affected, normal and carrier fetuses was done using their respective reference ranges as well as % enzyme activity of normal mean. The prenatal molecular confirmation was feasible in 43 biochemically diagnosed fetuses. Of the 207 normal reported fetuses, post natal enzymatic confirmation was done in 23 babies, clinical status of another 165 babies was assessed as unaffected via questionnaire on telephone and 19 were lost to follow-up. In affected pregnancies, 123 opted for termination of which 44 were confirmed enzymatically after abortion. A single false positive was determined to be a carrier by prenatal mutation analysis and carried to term.
ConclusionWe recommend uncultured chorionic villi for reliable prenatal enzymatic diagnosis of various lysosomal storage disorders on account of the low rate of false positive (0.5%) and false negative (2.2%) results.