Connection of the publication with planned research works.The present work is part of the research topic of the Department of Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Operative Surgery, Pathomorphology and Forensic Medicine of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine «Role of ecologically hazardous factors in the development of diseases of civilization», state registration number 0120U002026.Introduction.Prenatal ontogeny is a period of high sensitivity to the influence of stress factors, so any stressor can lead to changes in morpho-functional, biochemical indicators, behavioral and cognitive functions of the body. The most common and clinically significant stress factor to which the embryo can be exposed is hypoxia. Prenatal hypoxia during critical periods of brain formation leads to significant pathological changes at various stages of postnatal life in the development of cognitive functions, neurological disorders, behavioral disorders and learning abilities, which correlate with morphological changes in brain structures involved in learning and memory. which is the most common cause of death and disability [1, 2, 3 ,4]. Prenatal hypoxia also leads to pathologies of the neuroendocrine system, which are accompanied by a violation of the processes of synthesis and secretion of neurohormones, dysfunction of the pineal gland, and a decrease in the adaptation potential [2,5,6]. Therefore, the problem of prenatal hypoxia and its remote conse-