ADS-K , Allgemeine Depressions Skala (German version of CESD); BDI , Beck Depression Inventory; CESD , Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; DACL , Depression Adjective Checklist; DEM , demographic factors (age, race, income, education, employment, insurance status, socioeconomic status); DEPS , the Depression Scale; DSSI , Delusions-Symptoms-States Inventory; DV , domestic violence; EPDS , Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; HADS , Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HSCL , Hopkins Symptom Checklist; MINI , Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; OB , obstetric factors (pregnancy intention, parity, obstetric history); PHQ , Patient Health Questionnaire; POMS , Profile of Mood States; PSY , psychiatric factors (history of depression, maternal anxiety); REL , relationship factors (cohabitation status, relationship quality); SADS , Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; SCID , Structural Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; SS , social support; STR , life stress; SUB , substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs).
SD not provided
Mean not provided (Holzman et al29: 56% aged 20-29 y), (Jesse et al57: 83% adult), (Jesse58: 83% ≥20 y), (Jesse et al30: 78% ≥20 y), (Larsson et al59 : 71% aged 25-34 y), (Najman et al61: 51% aged 19-25 y), (Orr and Miller63: all subjects ≥18 y), (Pascoe et al65: 48% aged 20-25 y), (Rubertsson68: 70% aged 25-35 y), (Smith et al40: 80% ≥20 y), (Zuckerman et al32: 49% aged 21-29 y), (Zuckerman et al74: 83% >18 y)
Median 27.
Lancaster. Risk factors for depressive symptoms during pregnancy.…”