ABSTRACT. This article provides an overview of the main facts and theories regarding nominal modifiers, with attention to the internal division of the low DP-structure (gender, number and N). The article presents first the notion of modification seen from the perspectives of semantics and syntax ( §1); adjective classes are discussed in §2. §3 discusses the contrasts between prenominal and postnominal adjectives; §4 discusses the ordering of adjectives in sequences; §5 reviews the main theories that account for the facts discussed in §3 and §4. §6 moves to prepositional modifiers, presenting facts and theories about them. §7 presents the conclusions.Keywords. modification; adjectives; intersectivity; restrictivity; adjective ordering; prepositional modifiers; gender; number; nominal domains RESUMEN. Este artículo consiste en una revisión de los principales hechos empíricos y teorías acerca de la modificación nominal, con atención a la división interna del área baja del SD (género, número, N). El artículo presenta primero la noción de modificación vista desde la perspectiva de la semántica y la sintaxis ( §1); las clases de adjetivos se presentan en §2. §3 habla de los contrastes entre adjetivos prenominales y adjetivos postnominales.§4 presenta el orden de adjetivos cuando aparecen en secuencias. §5 discute las principales teorías que han tratado de capturar los contrastes empíricos de §3 y §4. §6 se dedica a los modificadores preposicionales, considerando los hechos empíricos y las teorías acerca de ellos. §7 presenta las conclusiones.Palabras clave. modificación; adjetivos; intersectividad; restrictividad; orden de adjetivos; modificadores preposicionales; género; número; dominios nominalesThe goal of this article is to discuss the main facts (and theories thereof) relating to the empirical problem of how modification structures are established within the DP; by extension, the syntax of the lower domains of the DP will be examined. The article is structured as follows: §1 provides a quick overview of the main theories about the syntax and semantics of nominal modification, and presents the range of constituents that can act as nominal modifiers. Sections §2- §5 concentrate on the syntax and semantics of adjectives and adjective sequences in Spanish. We present first ( §2) the taxonomy of the grammatically relevant classes of adjectives, then their ordering facts attending to the prenominal vs. postnominal contrast ( §3) and the internal ordering of adjectives within sequences ( §4) and, finally, the main theories to account for these orderings ( §5). §6 is devoted to prepositional modifiers, taking into account their position and the proposals explaining their ordering and properties. §7 presents the conclusions and standing issues.1 1 This article does not cover the case of adjectives that share properties with quantifiers (diferente 'different'), determiners (cierto 'certain') and pronouns (mismo 'self'); this aspect of the grammar of adjectives in Spanish will be discussed in a future monographic issue.