The preparation of a plan is essential for a surgery to take place in the best way possible and also for shortening patient's recovery times. In the orthopedic case, planning has an accentuated significance due to the close relation between the degree of success of the surgery and the patient recovering time. It is important that surgeons are provided with tools that help them in the planning task, in order to make it more reliable and less time consuming. In this paper, we present a 3D Computed Tomography based solution and its implementation as an OsiriX plugin for orthopedic surgery planning. With the developed plugin, the surgeon is able to manipulate a three-dimensional isosurface rendered from the selected imaging study (a CT scan). It is possible to add digital representations of physical implants (surgical templates), in order to evaluate the feasibility of a plan. These templates are STL files generated from CAD models. There is also the feature to extract new isosurfaces of different voxel values and slice the final 3D model according to a predefined plane, enabling a 2D analysis of the planned solution. Finally, we discuss how the proposed application assists the surgeon in the planning process in an alternative way, where it is possible to three-dimensionally analyze the impact of a surgical intervention on the patient.