Objective: To evaluate the effect of stress coping capacity in combination with mode of anaesthesia on postoperative recovery in fast track abdominal hysterectomy.Design: Prospective longitudinal study.Setting: Five hospitals in the South-East of Sweden.Population: One-hundred sixty-two women undergoing fast track abdominal hysterectomy for benign conditions. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires, the Stress Coping Inventory (SCI) and the Swedish Postoperative Symptom Questionnaire (SPSQ), and clinical information collected prospectively. Stress coping capacity was categorized as high and low according to the sum score of the SCI. Comparisons of effect variables were adjusted using a propensity score matching model.
Main outcome measures:Associations between stress coping capacity and hospital stay, sick leave, use of analgesic, and self-reported postoperative symptoms.Results: Women with high stress coping capacity had a significantly shorter sick leave, experienced postoperative symptoms significantly less often and with lower intensity than women with low stress coping capacity. This was almost exclusively related to having had the operation under spinal anaesthesia. Hospital stay, use of analgesics and having abdominal pain were not related to stress coping capacity.
Conclusions:As was shown for almost all variables, in patients for whom spinal anaesthesia was applied, high stress coping seems to be a quality that helps the patients to manage the burden of surgery. It is desirable for the individual as well as for the health care system to enhance recovery by using intervention programs designed to improve or manage stress coping, particularly for individuals with low stress coping capacity. This recommendation merits further investigation.Stress coping capacity and fast track abdominal hysterectomy 3