SummaryA comparison of Mossbauer isomer shifts and direct Sn, Sn-coupling constants for a series of di-and polytin compounds indicates that the s-electron density at the Sn-atom has little influence on this coupling.The publication of a paper by Kunz [I] in which he discusses the relative importance of the s-electron density at the nucleus Y: , (0) and the mutual polarizability n (A, B) in determining the magnitude of direct element-element NMR. coupling constants prompts us to communicate the results of some recent investigations on organotin compounds which support his conclusion that the latter term is the dominant one.We had previously observed [ 2 ] that the direct Sn, Sn-coupling constant in a series of hexaalkylditins correlates well with the sum of the Taft a*-values for the six alkyl groups, but not with the E,-values for these groups. We have now carried out Mossbauer measurements on a series of organotin compounds R,Sn (SnMe3)4-,