Fiber arrangement was important for fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites using injection fabrication. In this work, fiber arrangement in CF/PP was investigated to use electrical resistance (ER) method during injection times. There were 3 types of injection products of CF/PP with different ER change ratio by fiber arrangement. High ER change ratio case of injection CF/PP products had better increased tensile strength. This reason was due to the fiber arrangement of CF/PP by injection. Fractured surface and contact angle of CF/PP products were used to evaluate for injection product quality. Uniform fiber arrangement of CF/PP by injection type exhibited the uniform heat condition of melted CF/PP. Steady thermal transfer effect occurred from melted CF/PP to steel injection mold. Steady thermal transfer effect of CF/PP was transmitted to high ER change ratio of mold. Ultimately, good condition CF/PP product by injection molding method could be predicted by using ER method.