Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) are proposed to be the most promising material candidates for structural and thermal protection components in the aerospace field, due to their extremely high melting points, high hardness and strength, good thermal and chemical attack resistance. 1-4 When considering engineering manufacturing and application in very harsh environment, silica formers (silicon-containing materials such as SiC, Si 3 N 4 , SiBCN, MoSi 2 , TaSi 2 etc) are generally introduced into UHTCs to significantly improve their sinterability, mechanical property, as well as oxidation and ablation resistance. 5-8 Among them, SiC as a typical effective additive can not only modify the sintering behavior of ZrB 2 ceramic by pinning grains from overgrowth, but also enhance the oxidation resistance by forming a protective surface layer of borosilicate glass or ZrSiO 4. 2,6,9 Meanwhile, it has been shown that the particle size of SiC has important effects on the microstructure and mechanical property of ZrB 2-SiC composites. 10,11 Thus nano-sized