In a single step, from [Cp*RuCl 2 ] 2 (Cp* ) η 5 -C 5 Me 5 ) and Li [BH 4 ], nido-1,2-(Cp*Ru) 2 (µ-H) 2 B 3 H 7 , 1, is produced in high yield. Addition of BH 3 ‚THF to 1 results in conversion to nido-1,2-(Cp*Ru) 2 (µ-H)B 4 H 9 , 2. Reaction of BH 3 ‚THF directly with [Cp*RuCl 2 ] 2 yields a mixture of 1 and 2. In two steps, a rhodium analogue, nido-2,3-(Cp*Rh) 2 B 3 H 7 , 9, is accessible by the reaction of [Cp*RhCl 2 ] 2 and Li [BH 4 ] to exclusively produce (Cp*Rh) 2 B 2 H 6 , 8, which adds BH 3 ‚THF to give 9 as the major product in a mixture. Reaction of BH 3 ‚THF directly with [Cp*RhCl 2 ] 2 yields the chloro derivative of 9, nido-1-Cl-2,3-(Cp*Rh) 2 B 3 H 6 , 11, in high yield via the intermediate positional isomer, nido-3-Cl-1,2-(Cp*Rh) 2 B 3 H 6 , 10. With high concentrations of Co 2 (CO) 8 , 1 reacts with Co 2 (CO) 8 to give nido-1-(Cp*Ru)-2-(Cp*RuCO)-3-Co(CO) 2 (µ 3 -CO)B 3 H 6 , 3, whereas low concentrations permit competitive degradation of 1 to yield arachno-(Cp*Ru)(CO)(µ-H)B 3 H 7 , 4. On the other hand, reaction of 11 with Co 2 (CO) 8 gives closo-1-Cl-6-{Co(CO) 2 }-2,3-(Cp*Rh) 2 (µ 3 -CO)B 3 H 3 , 12. Mild thermolysis of 3 results in loss of hydrogen and the formation of closo-6-Co(CO) 2 -2,3-(Cp*Ru) 2 (µ-CO)(µ 3 -CO)B 3 H 4 , 5, whereas thermolysis of 2 results in loss of hydrogen and formation of pileo-2,3-(Cp*Ru) 2 B 4 H 8 , 6, with a BH-capped square pyramidal structure. Finally, 6 reacts with Fe 2 (CO) 9 to yield pileo-6-Fe(CO) 3 -2,3-(Cp*Ru) 2 (µ 3 -CO)B 4 H 4 , 7, with a BH-capped octahedral cluster structure. The overall isolated yield of 7, formed in four steps from [Cp*RuCl 2 ] 2 , is ≈50% and evidences good control of reactivity.