Ba2(DyxYb1-x)AlO5 ceramics were prepared by solid-state sintering in air for 10 h at 1560°C.The influence of Dy 3+ doping on the thermal physical properties of Ba2YbAlO5 was studied. The phase structure of these ceramics were identified by X-ray diffraction, which indicates that all of these ceramics have a perovskite structure. The thermal physical properties of these ceramics measurement show that the thermal expansion coefficient of them by Dy 3+ doped significantly increased, and the maximum value of about 12.2 × 10-6 K-1 was reached at x = 0.3. The thermal conductivity of Ba2(DyxYb1-x)AlO5 decreased firstly and then increased with the increasing of x. For samples with the same compound point x = 0.2, the minimum value (0.998 W•m-1 •K-1) was realized. The excellent thermal physical properties mean that these solid solutions are potential materials for ceramic layers in thermal barrier coatings. Keywords: perovskite-like ceramics, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, thermal barrier coatings Avtorji prispevka so pripravili Ba2(DyxYb1-x)AlO5 keramiko s postopkom sintranja v trdnem stanju in raziskovali vpliv razli~ne koli~ine dodatka Dy 3+ na njene termofizikalne lastnosti. Sintranje je potekalo na zraku 10 ur pri 1560°C. Fazno strukturo te keramike so identificirali z rentgensko difrakcijo. Ta je pokazala, da ima keramika perovskitno strukturo. Meritve termofizikalnih lastnosti te keramike so pokazale, da toplotni razteznostni koeficient z dodatkom Dy 3+ znatno naraste in dose`e maksimalno vrednost okoli 12,2 × 10-6 K-1 pri x = 0,3. Toplotna prevodnost Ba2(DyxYb1-x)AlO5 najprej pada in nato nara{~a z dodatkom Dy 3+. Tako je naprimer pri vzorcih z enako sestavo in x = 0,2 dose`ena minimalna vrednost 0,998 W•m-1 •K-1. Odli~ne termofizikalne lastnosti pomenijo, da so te trdne raztopine materiali, potencialno uporabni kot termi~ne pregrade v kerami~nih prevlekah.