The structure of human recombinant interleukin lp 8) has been refined by a restrained least-squares method to a crystallographic R factor of 17.2% to 2.0 A resolution. One-hundred sixty-eight solvent molecules have been located, and isotropic temperature factors for each atom have been refined. The overall structure is composed of 12 ,8-strands that can best be described as forming the four triangular faces of a tetrahedron with hydrogen bonding resembling normal antiparallel fl-sheets only at the vertices. Interleukin 1 (IL-1) is a member of a family of cellular mediators known as cytokines. Two distinct species of IL-1 have been characterized, IL-la and IL-1,3. They are about 23% identical in amino acid sequence (1, 2). Both molecules are expressed as a 31-kDa precursor upon activation of a producer cell. The precursor is processed to give a 17.4-kDa carboxyl fragment, which is the mature IL-1f3 molecule (17.8-kDa carboxyl fragment for IL-la). The IL-la precursor is also active, whereas the precursor of IL-1,8 is inactive (3).Processing of the precursor is not well understood. There is no leader sequence (4), and cleavage is believed to be carried out by serine proteases (5, 6). It has been shown that IL-la and IL-1,i bind to the same IL-i-specific receptor (7 Crystals were grown from buffered ammonium sulfate as described (27). The space group is P43, with a = b = 54.9 A and c = 76.8 A with one molecule per asymmetric unit. The structure was solved to 3.0 A resolution (28) by the multiple isomorphous replacement method with two heavy atom derivatives, p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and UO2(NO3)2 combined with phase improvement using solvent flattening (29).High-resolution diffraction data (to 2.0 A) were collected on the X-11 beamline at the Deutsche Electronen Synchrotron at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Outstation, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, set to a wavelength of 1.464 A. Five randomly oriented crystals were used. Exposure time was 67-157 sec per film pack, depending upon beam strength. An oscillation angle of 1.50 with no overlap between successive films was used. Diffraction data were collected on Kodak DEFO film with two films per film pack. The films were digitized on an Optronics P-1000 film microdensitometer with a 50-gkm raster and a 3.0 optical density scale. The orientation of the crystals was determined by averaging the results of the autoindexing procedure of Kabsch (30) for the first, the last, and a middle film from any one crystal. Typically, 10 films (15°) of data could be collected from one crystal before radiation damage was deemed too severe as judged by visual inspection of the highresolution data on the films. The MoSCO film processing package as integrated into the CCP4 protein crystallographic program package (Darsbury) was used. The results of film processing are shown in Table 1. Despite the random orientation of the crystals, the oscillation data set was about 90% complete, with most of the missing data being at low resolution due to saturation of the spots...