P: measured degree of polarization; PO: limiting degree of polarization for the frozen solution; T: lifetime of the excited state; 9 : viscosity of the solvent at the temperature T; V : (effective) molecular volume.In 5-amino-5-deoxy-and 5-thioaldoses, a 6-membered hemiace tal ring can be formed by incorporation of a nitrogen or sulfur atom into the ring instead of the oxygen present in pyranoses. In the case of 5-(N-acylamido)-5-deoxyaldoses, the nucleophilic strength of the amide grouping is lowered, with the result that ring closure occurs only when sterically favored, or when a side reaction with formation of furanose is not possible. On the other hand, 5-amino-5-deoxyaldoses containing a free amino group readily form 6-membered "hemiacetal" rings. The resulting piperidinoses possess properties that are unusual in sugars, since they contain the 2-hydroxypiperidine ring system. Piperidinoses are stable to alkalis and labile to acids; they rearrange in the presence of acids to give Amadori compounds, or lose three molecules of water to give derivatives of p-hydroxypyridines. Owing to the high reactivity of the mercapto group, 5-thioaldoses form only sugars with rings containing sulfur, the behavior of which resembles that of the oxygen analogues. 4-Amino-4-deoxy-and 4-thioaldoses can form 5-membered rings containing nitrogen and sulfur.