Photoactive preparations were obtained by treatment of photosynthetic membranes with lipid micelles and deoxycholate.A photosystem I preparation can be extracted from the membranes by both lipid micelles and deoxycholate, whereas the photosystem II preparation remains in a particulate state.The photosystem n preparation exhibits electron transfer activity measured by photoreduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide as an electron donor and has a ratio of chlorophyll a/b of 1.4. This preparation contains three major polypeptides of cytoplasmic origin and two of chloroplastic origin.The photosystem I preparation exhibits high rates of methylviologen photoreduction with ascorbate and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol as electron donors and does not contain chlorophyll b. This preparation contains two major polypeptides of chloroplastic origin and one of cytoplasmic origin. These results indicate that both cytoplasm and chloroplast contribute polypeptides for the formation of photosystems I and II in Chlamydomonas reinhardi.The photosynthetic membranes of Chlamydomonas reinhardi grow by addition of proteins of both cytoplasmic and chloroplastic origin to preexisting membranes (5, 7, 16). It has been claimed that membrane polypeptides originating in the chloroplast are required for photosynthetic activity whereas membrane polypeptides of cytoplasmic origin are connected with the appearance of the membrane structure (16).Fractionation of photosynthetic membranes of C. reinhardi y-1 by either digitonin (13) or Triton X-100 (8) results in the formation of two types of particles exhibiting photosynthetic electron transfer activities and spectral properties of either photosystem I or II. Analysis of such particles for their. polypeptide composition by gel electrophoresis showed that the PSII-like fraction is enriched in polypeptides of cytoplasmic origin whereas the PSI-like fraction is slightly enriched in membrane polypeptides originating in the chloroplast (8, 13). However, mutant strains of C. reinhardi lacking certain membrane polypeptides of cytoplasmic origin exhibit normal PSII activity (12).To identify the polypeptides required for the formation and activity of both photosystems, as well as the distribution of polypeptides of different origins in the isolated photosystems, photosynthetic membranes were fractionated with lipid micelles '