The laser ablation technique has been employed to study silver colloidal formation. Laser intensities, irradiation wavelengths (l064 nm and 532 nm), and solvents (water, methanol, and isopropanol) were all considered. Changes of the maximum UV-Visible absorbance of the solutions with laser intensities exhibited nonlinear behavior for 1064 nm and 532 nm and displayed better ablation efficiency at 532 nm. Larger mean sizes were observed at 532 nm or at higher pulse energy. For solvent effect, the bigger particle sizes were generated in H 2 0 . Ar. to colloidal stability, isopropanol, which has a lower dielectric constant than water. was found to stabilize Ag nanoparticles without protecting reagents over six months. Preliminary results in 2-butanol suggested that the viscosity of solvent may need to be considered in addition to the dielectric constant.'721