on the scattering cross-section for the conduction electrons and on the effective charge. The forces act in the same direction, if the interaction with the conduction electrons, not the field force, constitutes the greater part of the driving force. The forces are dependent upon the position coordinate only when either the concentration or the temperature varies along the sample. With equal mobility of both components, both dimensional and concentration changes are possible. Rxeived, November 16th, 1962 [A 281/94 IE1 [60] H . Biickle: Lecture on powdcr metallurgy at the first Plansee-Seminar, Reutte/Tirol (Austria) 1953. [61] Th. Hehenkamp and Th. Hcwrntrnn, Arch. Eisenhuttenwes. 33, 510 (1962).Ionizing radiation induces the polymerizaiion of some vinyl monomers in aqueous emulsion with high radiation yields. With identical emulsion compositions, the kinetics ofthis reaction and the kinetics of emulsion polymerization induced by water-soluble initiators are very similar. The rate of reaction in emulsion polymerization is aboui one hundred times greater than in bulk polymerization. The initiation of emulsion polymerization by means of ionizing radiation permits uniform "illumination" of the reacting volume, as wall as almost any desired variation in the frequency of initiation during the reuction. The sharp decrease in the overall rate of reaction when initiation is interrupted duritiK emulsion polymerization of styrene induced by y-rays contradicts the earlier concept of sharply separaied reaction zones. Receivcd, May 30th, 1962 I A 276192 IE]