In this work, gradient polyimide (PI)/graphene composite aerogels were prepared with poly(amic acid) ammonium salt/graphene aqueous solution through layer-bylayer assembly, unidirectional freezing, freezing drying, and thermal imidization process. Each layer of gradient PI aerogels was consisted of oriented channel-like pores along the freezing direction. The gradient PI/graphene composite aerogels exhibited anisotropic conductivity and heat transfer property. The conductivity of composite aerogels in the perpendicular direction of oriented channel-like pores was higher than that along the direction of oriented pores. The heat transfer from the high-density end to the low-density end of gradient density composite aerogels was faster. Compared with those of homogeneous composite aerogel with same density, the compression yield stress of gradient density composite aerogels obviously decreased, and their compression platform region also obviously shortened. Moreover, when the compressive strain exceeded 35%, the compressive strength of gradient composite aerogel with more layers was much higher. K E Y W O R D S mechanical properties, microscopy, polyimides, porous materials, thermal properties 1 | INTRODUCTION Functional gradient materials (FGMs) are a new type of nonhomogeneous materials, their structure or composition varies gradually in spatial gradient. Although the term of FGM originates from Japan in 1980's, the gradient structure is not uncommon in nature, for example, bamboo and straw, animal skin, bones, teeth, and spider webs have gradient structure. 1-4 Because the structure or composition of FGMs varies gradually along one direction, the problems such as weak interfacial bonding or sudden change of properties, are effectively solved, which are caused by great physical or chemical differences between two type of different compositions. With the development of technology and the demand for high performance materials, gradient porous materials, whose