. LEVECK. Can. J . Chcm. 61, 1549 (1983).A scries of triazcncs of typc ArN=N-NH-CH2C02Et.N-arylazoglycinc cthyl cstcrs. have becn prcpalrd by coupling the arcne diazonium salt, ArNZi.X , with cthyl glycinatc, NHZCH2C02Et; an clcctron-withdrawing substitucnt, c.g. NOZ, CN. C 0 2 R , and CI. in thc ortho or partr position of thc aryl group is csscntial for efficient coupling. Thc p-substituted arylazoglycinc cthyl cstcrs cyclizc when trcated with alcoholic potassium hyclroxidc to afford thc potassium salts of thc I-aryl-5-hydroxy-1.2.3-triazoles, which can bc obtained frcc by acidification of thc potassium salt solution with acctic acid. Rcaction of thc potassium salts with acctic anhydride yiclcls thc I-aryl-5-acetoxy-1.2.3-triazolcs. The 5-hydroxytriazolcs, whcn heatcd in ethanol, rcarrangc to a-diazoacctanilitlcs. ArNH .COCHN2. Thc diazoamidcs can be obtaincd in low yicld dircctly from thc triazcnes by prolonged rctluxing in cthanol. o-Substituted aryltriazcncs do not cyclizc undcr the samc conditions but fragmcnt to the arylaminc.