Heterogeneous butt welding of copper and AISI type 304L stainless steel was carried out using the electron beam process. Examination by scanning and transmission electron microscopy has indicated the possibility of obtaining joints free of cracks and porosity. Energy dispersive microanalysis of the weld bead cross-section has demonstrated the presence of non-equilibrium phases. The results show that the binary Cu -Fe equilibrium diagram is unable to predict the weld microstructure even at the moderate cooling and solidi cation rates expected under the present welding conditions. The feasibility of the Cu -304L electron beam welding process is therefore hindered by the problem of microstructural stability of the joint because of possible phase transitions during the service life of welded components.
MST/5303Dr Tosto (tosto@casaccia.enea.it), Mr Nenci and Mr Pierdominici are with ENEA