Here we report on molten salt synthesis of four different compounds in the K 2 O-Na 2 O-Nb 2 O 5 system. The three compounds K 4 Nb 6 O 17 , K 2 Nb 4 O 11 and KNb 3 O 8 , with non-cubic crystal structures, were prepared as single crystalline particles with large aspect ratios. K 4 Nb 6 O 17 was prepared with a platelike morphology, K 2 Nb 4 O 11 a fibre-like and finally KNb 3 O 8 had a plate like morphology. K x Na 1Àx NbO 3 , with a cubic perovskite crystal structure at the synthesis conditions, was only obtained as cube-shaped crystals, which became larger with increasing synthesis temperature. A systematic study of the influence of the processing conditions on the morphology of the product compounds was conducted. The study demonstrated that the morphology of the product phase was controlled by the crystal structure and the connectivity of the NbO 6 -octahedra of the crystal structures. Finally, the crystal structure of K 2 Nb 4 O 11 was determined to be a tungsten bronze type structure with space group P4/mbm.