Neutron scatter studies have been made on gently prepared chicken erythrocyte chromatin over a range of ionic strength. At low ionic strength the mass per unit length of the '10-nm' nucleofilament corresponds to one nucleosome per 8 -12 nm and a DNA packing ratio of between 6 and 9. From the contrast dependence of the cross-section radius of gyration of the nucleofilament the following parameters have been obtained; RgDNA, the cross-section radius of gyration (R,) when DNA dominates the scatter; RgP, the cross-section R, when protein dominates the scatter; R,, the cross-section R, at infinite contrast and a, the constant which describes the dependence of the cross-section R, on contrast variation. From our understanding of the structure of the core particle, various arrangement of core particles in the nucleofilament have been tested. In models consistent with the above parameters the core particles are arranged edge-to-edge or with the faces of the core particles inclined to within 20* to the axis of the nucleofilament. With increase of ionic strength the transition to the second-order chromatin structure has been followed. This gave the interesting result that above 20 mM NaCl or 0.4 mM MgCI2 the cross-section R, increases abruptly to about 9 nm with a packing ratio of 0.2 nucleosome/nm and with further increase of ionic strength the R, increases to 9.5 nm while the packing ratio increases threefold to 0.6 nucleosome/nm. This suggests a family of supercoils of nucleosomes which contract with increasing ionic strength. In its most contracted form the diameter of the hydrated supercoil has been found from the radial distribution function to be 34 nm. Models for the arrangements of core particles in the 34-nm supercoil are discussed.There is now growing evidence that the DNA in metaphase chromosomes and in the interphase nucleus is organised into discrete loops which contain some 30000-90000 basepairsofDNA [1,2]or inchromatin domains of average size 34000 bases of DNA [3,4]. The DNA of these domains or loops when complexed with chromosomal proteins in inactive regions of chromatin and in metaphase chromosomes is highly compacted and several orders of chromatin structure must exist above the linear array of nucleosomes.In the electron microscope chromatin has been visualised as fibrils of different diameters. At low ionic strength the fibrils have a diameter of about 10 nm [5-81. On the addition of monovalent or divalent cations a transition to a higher-order structure is observed and the diameter of the fibril increases to 25 -30 nm IS, 9 -131. From electron microscopy studies a solenoid model has been proposed [ 121 which consists of the 10-nm fibril or nucleofilament coiled with a pitch of 11 nm and a diameter of 30 nm. It has also been shown that the 10-1 I-nm semimeridional arc in the neutron diffraction of H 1 -depleted chromatin [14] and of total chromatin fibres [15] contain maxima which are located off the meridian and these observations have been explained by a coil model with similar parameters. This ty...