We observe large-scale surface terraces in tungsten oxidised at high temperature and in high vacuum. Their formation is highly dependent on crystal orientation, with only {111} grains showing prominent terraces. Terrace facets are aligned with {100} crystallographic planes, leading to an increase in total surface energy, making a diffusion-driven formation mechanism unlikely. Instead we hypothesize that preferential oxidation of {100} crystal planes controls terrace formation. Grain height profiles after oxidation and the morphology of samples heat treated with limited oxygen supply are consistent with this hypothesis. Our observations have important implications for the use of tungsten in extreme environments.
Main text:Tungsten (W) is scientifically interesting as it has the highest melting and boiling temperatures and the highest yield strength among the un-alloyed elements. Additional beneficial properties of high thermal and electric conductivity [1] make it the front-runner material for many high-temperature applications.Some examples include light bulbs, rocket engine nozzles, accelerator targets, and electron microscopy gun filaments and tips [2,3]. Recently, tungsten has also captured the interest of the nuclear fusion industry, where it is being considered as candidate for plasma-facing armour components [4][5][6][7].