It is known that drilling and blasting operations near the lower contour of the foundation pits of important hydraulic structures should be performed so that the necessary preservation of the rock foundations is provided.In connection with this, the standards [i, 2] specify measures to limit the intensity of action of blasts on a rock foundation. They include leaving a protective layer between the working bench and design contour of the foundation, which is then loosened by firing shothole (diameter < 42 mm) charges, limitation of the diameter of blasthole (diameter > 42 mm) charges on the working bench above the protective layer to ii0 mm, preclusion of overbreaking of blastholes in the protective layer~ and certain others. The requirement about loosening the protective layer by shothole charges leads to a substantial increase of labor intensity and time of excavating the pit, and also to a large amount of manual labor under harmful conditions~ Special investigations by the State All-Union Trust for Stabilization of Foundations and Structures (Gidrospetsstroi) and the experience of constructing a number of hydrostations showed that a more progressive technology of drilling and blasting operations (DBOs) near the foundation of important hydraulic structures is possible, which provides both a decrease of labor intensity and time of works and sufficient preservation of foundations.In this case the layer of rock directly above the foundation contour is loosened not by shothole but by reduced blasthole charges~ The State Special Design Institute (Gidrospetsproekt) has developed a method of determining the parameters of such blasting [3, 4] and jointly with the All-Union Planning, Surveying, and Scientific-Research Institute (Gidroproekt) is preparing a new edition of the subsection "Drilling and Blasting Operations" of construction specifications and regulations SNiP III-45-76, not containing the requirement of mandatory shothole loosening of protective layers.By now there is favorable experience in preparing rock foundations of the Sayano-Shushenskoe, Dnestr, and Kurpsai hydrostations without shothole loosening of the protective layers [5,6].The purpose of the experimental drilling and blasting operations in preparing the rock foundation of the Krapivinskii hydrostation was to test under specific conditions the parameters of blasting near the lower contour of the pit with reduced blasthole charges calculated by method [4]. On the basis of the data on preservation of the foundation at the sites of the blasts, obtained recommendations are given on the further conduction of DBOs near the lower contour of the pit.The main structures of the Krapivinskii hydrostation under construction are located on the floodplain and slope of the left bank of the Tom River. The rock foundation of the concrete dam and powerhouse is composed of diabase-porphyries withthe following physical and mechanical properties (in a sample): density 2.7 x 103 kg/m3, compressive strength in a dry state 110-120 MPa, propagation velocity of longitudina...